SAP LeanIX Product Team
    Application Portfolio Management

    LeanIX Product Roadmap - Update Q2 2022

    AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

      The second quarter of the year has already started, and we have updated our roadmap with some exciting improvements ahead. In case you have missed the roadmap webinar with LeanIX CEO André Christ, as well as with the LeanIX Product Leadership, here are some key takeaways from the webinar for you:

      • The Q2 roadmap is updated and live. Please visit for details and subscribe to items that interest you.

      • The results of our second Customer Voting round are online as well. Thank you so much for your invaluable feedback! Five voting candidates have made it onto our roadmap for Q2 and the rest of 2022. We have also taken your feedback into account regarding the voting process and have decided to improve it further. Starting this quarter, the voting process will be changed from quarterly to continuous voting. Please refer to the webinar recording for more details, and stay tuned!

      • For SMP, the focus will be on a unified login experience, revised forecasting, and in-tool guidance.

      • For VSM, we will continue to invest in a tailored UI while including clear user guidance and improved mapping.

      • We have re-evaluated our Integration Strategy and decided to discontinue Integration Hub. Instead, we will invest in clear guidance around integrating LeanIX’s APIs (Integration API, GraphQL, REST) into a modern Integration Architecture based on best-practice technology stacks. This aligns with our strategy around workflows, where we also seek integration with existing solutions on the customer side.

      • We also reviewed our strategy for Business Value Streams. Due to capacity constraints and strategic focus, we have chosen a clear approach in line with the investments around diagramming and recommend using our next-generation Diagram editor. We will no longer invest in the existing report and a dedicated Fact Sheet Type.

      • We decided to deprioritize two feature improvements from our roadmap - Include Data Quality fields in reports and Quality Seal Management based on customer feedback and capacity conflicts. The next step towards enhanced data quality will be around automation, where customers can create triggers based on quality seal break.

      • The following two topics are extending into Q2 2022:

      • Finally, the following topics have been delayed into the latter half of 2022:

      For more details about our roadmap for this quarter and our strategic product decisions, please refer to the recording of our roadmap webinar here.

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