SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management Architecture and Road Map Planning

Continuous updates of reference business capabilities and overview of changes

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The reference catalog now contains our latest suggested solutions for business capabilities. This is the first major update since we released the new catalog content in May 2024. The next update, which will add recommendations for the life sciences and mill products industries, will be released within Q4 2024.

You remain in control of your data. To help you determine whether an update to the reference content is relevant to data in your workspace, we've added a new 'Available Updates' tab to the reference catalog linking overview. This tab provides details on changes in the reference content that has been imported or linked to your fact sheets.

For each business capability fact sheet where changes occurred, you can review the type of change (e.g., new or removed solution suggestion), details on the change itself, and take action to apply the change to your fact sheets by clicking on 'Update link to latest version' per each item or leverage the combined action with 'Update all links to latest version'.

Besides the new 'Available Updates' tab on the reference catalog overview (accessible through 'Business Capabilities' in the 'Reference Catalog' section of the inventory's side panel), the catalog linking page of each individual fact sheet and their 'Transformations' tab (available with SAP Architecture and Road Map Planning) informs about updates to the suggested solutions.

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