SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

Weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs have been fixed in the last week:


  • In the meta model configuration, admins can change the order in which the symbols for values of single select fields are shown when editing them. In line with our previous announcement, we've changed the behavior of the 'ascending' and 'descending' options to allow you to define the order of the number of symbols colored from top to bottom or vice versa. The order of the symbols no longer refers to how they are colored from left to right or vice versa.

    The order of the field values (not symbols) among each other in the drop-down list continues to be defined by the configured order of the values in the meta model configuration (from 'Unreasonable' to 'Perfect' in the example below).

  • A bug was fixed when navigating from a dashboard panel to the respective saved search in the inventory.


  • Users can now uncheck selected fact sheets using the select by filter feature (e.g., 'Drill-down by filter', 'Show dependency by filter') to remove them from the free draw and data flow diagrams. This method of removing fact sheets from the canvas was not possible before.

Reference Catalog:

  • The new ability to link business capabilities in your inventory to the recently updated items in the reference catalog streamlines how to leverage the content to extend your existing business capability map based on our former reference data.

    After linking your business capability fact sheets to the new reference data, it's easier to spot potential areas of improving and completing your map through the landscape view during the import. The color-coded view highlights which capabilities from the new content have been imported (blue), which are still missing from what's recommended for the selected industry (white), and which existing fact sheets have been linked (link symbol).

    When you've used the former 'Default' business capability content and haven't changed the display name of the imported fact sheets, a suitable link to the new reference business capabilities is proposed. There's not always a direct match for each and every recommended business capability from the former and new reference content, and there's no need to stick to them strictly. As the name says, they are recommendations, not instructions.

    The linking also enables suggestions for SAP solutions for each business capability if an admin hasn't disabled the optional feature.


  • Issues with the portal feature have been fixed, leading to:

    • All tags and relations configured in the admin area's 'Portals' section on the 'Search' tab are now visible in the portals and can be used for filtering.

    • The result count of a search in portals shows the rounded number of available fact sheets

    • A spinner indicates the progress of fact sheet loading, searching, filtering, and sorting


  • For the Collibra integration, we've added the ability to configure the field to be used in each system when mapping the name of assets in Collibra to fact sheets in LeanIX. This allows the change of the mapping a fact sheet's full name in SAP LeanIX to a different field than the full name of the asset in Collibra.

    Also, the side panel of a fact sheet details page now shows if a fact sheet has been created from or synced to Collibra.

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