SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management Technology Risk and Compliance

Weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs fixed in the last week:


  • When configuring a dashboard panel for fact sheet charts, the loading performance has been improved significantly in workspaces with a very high number of fact sheets by reducing the number of needed requests for pre-loading all fact sheets.


  • Diagrams' view mode supports layers, letting users switch between the layers defined in the diagram from the view menu.


  • As part of an initiative to harden our product security, we've restricted the support of specific HTML tags when creating survey emails. Warnings in the survey editor indicate when one of the restricted tags <!-- --> <applet> <embed> <form> <iframe> <image> <img> <input> <link> <meta> <style> <object> were attempted to be used.

Reference Catalog:

  • In addition to the list view, a new landscape view is available to review, select, and import business capabilities from the reference business architecture. The new view helps you better understand the structure and relevance of the business capabilities before importing.

    Besides the color-coded information on whether a catalog item has been imported as a business capability, you can also see the link status of fact sheets that haven't been imported from the catalog but manually linked to items (e.g., not to overwrite existing fact sheet names).

    Although this landscape view will not mimic all features of landscape reports, we plan to provide a side panel with more details (e.g., description, name of linked fact sheet) and filters to narrow down the catalog items (e.g., to adjust industry) in future releases.


  • When the ServiceNow integration attempts to add users as subscribers to fact sheets during an integration run, the activity status of the users in the workspace is now checked before, and active users are prioritized over inactive users. The following logic is applied:

    • If at least one active user is listed, the first active one is added as a subscriber

    • If no user is active, the first inactive user is added as a subscriber.

  • When configuring an asset mapping from Collibra to LeanIX, admins can use fields customized in the meta model configuration. They can also automatically link existing data object fact sheets in the workspace to assets in the Collibra inbox domain based on the asset type and name. The options to choose from are either 'No Matching' (previous behavior, now the new default) to always create new fact sheets or 'Match By Name' to check for and update an existing data object fact sheet with the same name instead of creating it.

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