SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management Technology Risk and Compliance

Weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs fixed in the past week:


  • Users without permission to see a specific field and its values on a fact sheet no longer see it in the table view column selector.


  • We've added the option to export the SaaS discovery results from the inbox. Users can choose whether to store the entire list in a file or apply the selected filters.


  • When configuring field mappings in the ServiceNow integration configuration, admins are given the opportunity to generate AI-supported mapping suggestions for a given ServiceNow table and fact sheet type. AI generates the mappings from the table and fact sheet metadata, considering user configuration. To use the mapping suggestions, an admin user needs to activate the optional 'Base AI Capabilities' for the workspace.

  • The Collibra integration supports mapping application and business capability hierarchies in your workspace to Collibra. When the hierarchy mapping is configured, the parent-child relations of application and business capability fact sheets are mapped to assets in Collibra. Admins can choose between intermediate asset and simple relation mapping strategies, while the complex relation strategy is unsupported.

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