SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

Weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

In the past week, these feature improvements have been released:


  • The AI-assisted text feature on the fact sheet details page now has a 'Generate new text' option. This allows users to generate completely new text without manually clearing the input. Also, the option 'Re-write text' was renamed to 'Rephrase it' to provide better context for what this option does, and the unused 'Explain Relations' option was removed. The base AI capabilities must be activated in the workspace to use these options.


  • The SaaS discovery now creates entries in the workspace admin's sync log for each future integration run. There are two types of runs every 12 hours:

    • A Credentials check to verify that the integration credentials are still valid and we still have the required permissions to request the needed data

    • The application discovery to pull data from the integrated systems. The sync log now shows how many discovery items were found and how many we could match against the catalog and classify as Saas, which is then displayed in the SaaS discovery inbox.


  • Admin users can now leverage a text search and filter option when managing automations, which makes it easier to find the automation they want to edit. Supported filter options are the owning user's name, fact sheet type, and automation status.


  • From today, all future product update announcements and weekly summaries, such as this one, will include more links to descriptions in the LeanIX user documentation to provide additional guidance on terminology and the usage of base LeanIX features.

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