SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management Architecture and Road Map Planning

Weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented during this week:

Notifications: Users who previously received notifications when Fact Sheets were archived need to be subscribed to the Fact Sheets to receive 'A Fact Sheet is archived' notifications.

Reports: Similar to the Factsheet label option, users can adjust Drilldown label names in the settings of the Matrix Report. The dropdown to adjust the Drilldown label is disabled as long as the user has not selected any drilldowns to display. The setting is saved in the bookmarks.

BTM Tranformations:

  • The current Transformation templates have been improved to include Business Capabilities along with User Groups as Impacts for application changes.

  • The Transformation templates have been improved to suggest a starting name for the transformation based on the type.

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