SAP LeanIX Product Team
    Application Portfolio Management Architecture and Road Map Planning

    Weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

    AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

      The following feature improvements have been implemented and bugs fixed during this week:


      • When a user clicks on a specific country, the 'Application Sourcing' Report shows the related IT Components, and the 'Application Usage' Report shows the related User Groups in the Fact Sheet details list table.

      • The milestones that have been added to the Projects or Transformation Items are now visible on the side panel of the Roadmap Reports.

      • The Matrix Report has been improved to support keyboard navigation.

      • A bug that previously caused an error that led to report categories not being correctly translated has been fixed. Report Categories are now correctly translated according to the specified language in the language settings.

      • A bug caused the color-coding in the Roadmap Report when selecting the view 'field in a relation' to not work. The bug has now been fixed.

      Diagrams: A bug has been fixed where undo/redo history in diagrams was lost as soon as users added images to the diagram.


      • Users can define the predecessor to a new application. When the predecessor is defined, an implied impact is created to set the successor relation between the old and the new application. This field is not impacted if the transformation is executable or not.

      • A bug caused an issue with the Single linking pages not getting loaded for SaaS Catalog while aligning the inconsistencies in the Catalog status field in the Batch linking and fact sheet detail page for Lifecycle Catalog. This bug has now been fixed.

      • Along with the clickable URLs feature that was released a month ago, the parsing of user-provided HTML in Fact Sheet fields was accidentally enabled. This was discovered through a customer support request that involved using the <br/> HTML tag for rendering newlines. While no other cases have been recorded, we do not plan to support HTML in Fact Sheet fields. Hence, this regression has been fixed and user-provided HTML is no longer rendered, while the new clickable URL feature still works as expected.

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