SAP LeanIX Product Team
    Application Portfolio Management Architecture and Road Map Planning

    Weekly EAM feature improvement & bugfix summary

    AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

      The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs fixed in the last week:


      • The UI of the Inventory has been improved to be more consistent with the Reports and Diagrams section.

      • To increase transparency into which sections of the Fact Sheet detail page are invisible, an icon is displayed beside the invisible sections whenever the 'Visible' toggle is deactivated for a subsection in Meta Model Configuration.

      Diagrams: Views can be selected for the diagrams in the view mode of the Next-Generation Diagrams Editor. The view selection behaves the same as they do in the current diagrams. However, they cannot be stored in the diagram. Instead, in the upcoming weeks, a separate functionality to choose a color for shapes in edit mode, including legends, will be introduced.

      BTM improved classification of impact types: An improved classification of the type of impact that a Project (or Transformation Item) has on affected Applications or Interfaces (New field 'Impact Type' on relations between Project and Applications as well as Project and Interfaces) has been introduced. This improvement enables users to easily understand how the planned projects and initiatives are affecting the landscape. For e.g., by leveraging the Application Landscape report, an overview of the project portfolio can be created. In addition, there is more visibility into how it affects Applications by clustering the Applications by the Projects that affect them and selecting the 'Impact type' view for coloring. This feature can be combined perfectly with the newly released Rollup layout for high-level reporting on the projects.

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