SAP LeanIX Product Team
SaaS Catalog: Add Custom Service
SaaS Management Platform: SMP

SaaS Catalog: Add Custom Service

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: SaaS Catalog: Add Custom Service

LeanIX's SaaS catalog includes several thousand entries. However, there are cases where businesses use non-supported SaaS.

To support the discovery of such services, LeanIX SMP introduces 'Add Custom Service'. With this feature, admins can discover and manage their custom SaaS services in LeanIX SMP. While adding a custom service, admins can enter the following attributes:

  1. Service name

  2. Service website URL

  3. Service decription

  4. Pricing

  5. Logo

Upon adding all the attributes, the custom services will be listed under the discover tab.

Note: Custom services do not have any automated ingestion of spend and usage data. Admins need to enter the data either manually through UI or by scripts leveraging LeanIX's open API

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