SAP LeanIX Product Team
    Application Portfolio Management

    March outlook into features in progress

    AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

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      Here's the outlook for March 2025:

      Accelerate data-intake to your inventory with AI 

      Instead of manually inputting data, speed up inventory creation with AI. The inventory builder, launching in March, leverages AI to discover and extract relevant architectural elements and their relations from a variety of data sources.

      The first iteration of this groundbreaking feature will accelerate extending and maintaining your inventory by analyzing images of architectural diagrams exported from any diagramming tool. Proposals for fact sheets and their relations will be added to an inbox. Users can then decide when and how to import them into the inventory. In the future, you'll also be able to parse documents, spreadsheets, and other files, too.

      To let your users profit from this innovative way of creating fact sheets, activate the 'AI-assisted Inventory Builder' after the release in the admin area's 'Optional Features' section. The availability and usage depend on your contract (e.g., signed off the AI terms). Access to the inventory builder will be from the inventory's side panel under 'Actions', where the manual creation of fact sheets and the Excel import are located.

      Perform calculations to set field values

      Calculate field values automatically to streamline IT assessments. Whether you're classifying applications with Gartner TIME, tracking cost allocations, or aggregating values from other fields, calculations as code will eliminate manual updates and ensure data accuracy.

      From the beginning of April, calculations on fields of the types double, integer, multiple select, single select, and string will be supported and executed within a safe code execution environment hosted by SAP LeanIX. With future releases in Q2 2025, we'll extend the scope to relations, fields on relations, and fields on related fact sheets. However, a template to calculate the Gartner TIME assessment will be provided out of the box.

      Send customized email notifications via automations 

      Automate email notifications for essential IT events like system changes or lifecycle updates. In March, a new 'Send Email' automation action will help ensure relevant stakeholders receive timely and accurate information.

      The configurability will eliminate the need to rely on standard notifications and open up extensive scenarios for dispatching reminders when automation triggers and conditions are met, such as lifecycle or field changes on fact sheets.

      You'll be able to design your email templates with dynamic content to target different stakeholders. Any email address will be supported regardless of whether it's associated with an active SAP LeanIX user account.

      Leverage a new relation to represent process hierarchies 

      Processes are typically structured in graphs representing the relationships between diverse hierarchy levels and dependencies of processes and subprocesses. On the other hand, fact sheet hierarchies in SAP LeanIX are maintained with strict parent-child relations, where every child fact sheet can only have one parent.

      By the end of March, we'll resolve this mismatch when syncing processes from SAP Signavio into your workspace by introducing a new many-to-many relation on business context fact sheets and eliminating the current workaround of using the 'Required by' relations.

      This new 'Parent/Child Business Context' relation can be added to the meta model when configuring the SAP Signavio integration to ensure that process hierarchies and variants are well represented when traversing the relations explorer and leveraging clustering on reports.

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