- SAP LeanIX Product Team
Make self-built software part of your enterprise architecture inventory
Truly new capabilities to the enterprise architecture tools market give you visibility into your organization's self-built technology footprint, setting you up for more comprehensive technology standards management. By automatically discovering microservices' usage and their link to the business and creating their representations in your inventory, we can deepen your risk assessment capabilities and enable better adoption of technology standards.
In workspaces with SAP LeanIX Technology Risk and Compliance, data in Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) files from your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline and the integration with your GitHub Enterprise Server instance can be used to extend your inventory to surface open-source component usage across applications and teams. Based on the ingested SBOM data, the system correlates the use of open-source libraries in your organization, allowing you to analyze them in a business context. Perfectly equipping you with efficient ways to manage the next cyber incident
Once you've uploaded the SBOM file, you'll benefit from intelligent tech stack discovery for frameworks and databases, automatically created as IT component fact sheets linked to the created microservice. This will reduce the time to uncover all used technologies and put you in a prime position to start standardizing your technology landscape using the tech radar.
To start with self-built software discovery, admins can provision the required meta model extension in the admin area's 'Self-built Software Discovery' section. The core of this extension is a new subtype, 'Microservice', for the application fact sheet type. Fact sheets of this subtype will be created automatically after setting up the automated microservice discovery using a manifest file stored in your Git repository and enriched with SBOM data ingested through the Technology Discovery API.