SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

Maintenance and administration of to-dos

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

To-dos of all users can be viewed, maintained, and administered by admins of APM, TRM, and BTM workspaces in a central place - the new 'To-Dos' section in the 'Administration' area within the workspace. In this section, admins will be able to: 

  • View overdue to-dos

  • Re-assign to-dos or edit them

  • Filter and sort all to-do attributes

  • Search title and description

In this release, the administration of to-dos is currently not available for users in other parts of the product, such as the to-do tab of a Fact Sheet or the 'My to-dos' panel in the Dashboard. These improvements will be made available with incremental releases in the future. 

For more details about this improvement in to-dos, please consult the 'To-do (Admin)' section in the LeanIX user documentation.

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