- SAP LeanIX Product Team
Maintain a separate vendor lifecycle
Track vendor and internal lifecycles of IT components separately with new 'Vendor Lifecycle' fields to better manage obsolescence risks. Distinguishing between the lifecycles will help plan the phase-out of legacy assets before the vendor's end of life in alignment with individual support extension dates.
The IT component fact sheets of workspaces with SAP LeanIX Technology Risk and Compliance now include a new vendor lifecycle field with:
Active (Vendor): The vendor-defined date from when the IT component is active, automatically synced from the reference catalog.
End of Life (Vendor): The vendor-defined date when the IT component reached or will reach its end of life, automatically synced from the reference catalog. It is empty if the vendor has not defined a date.
Extended vendor support agreement: Editable manually to fill in your organization's end-of-life date negotiated with the vendor, e.g., a contractually agreed support extension.
Comment: A separate field for users to elaborate on specifics about the custom end-of-life date.
The latter two are not yet available in all workspaces, other than as initially planned, but they will become available in a few weeks.
The lifecycle information from the reference catalog is no longer synced into the existing fact sheet lifecycle but into this new vendor lifecycle. A configuration option on the 'IT Component' tab of the admin area's 'Reference Catalog' section allows admins to continue syncing lifecycle information from the catalog to both, the existing fact sheet lifecycle and the new vendor lifecycle. This configuration will be offered for a 6-month transition period, giving you until September 2025 to adapt reports, integrations, and automations that interact with the lifecycle information. The vendor lifecycle transition guide directs you through the needed actions.
Both lifecycles on fact sheets are aggregated to calculate and visualize the obsolescence risks from underlying IT components to applications with report views like 'Obsolescence: Aggregated Risk'. The user documentation details how this risk is calculated.