- SAP LeanIX Product Team
July outlook into features in progress
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Here's the outlook for July 2024:
Search for inventory filters by attribute names
The inventory's filter panel contains a list of selectable fact sheet attributes, which are a mix of visible and hidden filters. Clicking on 'Manage Filters' allows users to select the visible filter attributes.
This week, we'll update this 'Manage Filters' section to allow you to search for fact sheet attributes by name. Results will be shown in dedicated sections for the visible and hidden filters, and the list will be sorted alphabetically, consistent with the 'Add Columns' feature in the inventory table view.

Better organize and navigate dashboards
Dashboards are your users' entry point into your organization's IT landscape. They help them focus on specific use cases or get an overview of certain architectural areas.
In support of the dashboards' central role, we will change the navigation to and between them in early July to provide a better dashboard experience consistent with other areas of SAP LeanIX. Introducing the left side pane with a structure similar to reports and diagrams enables users to organize their dashboards, effortlessly access the most relevant ones, and have more control over dashboard visibility.
In this initial release, the side pane features two sections:
Dashboard overview: this provides an overview of all dashboards, including pre- and user-defined dashboards
Personal: filter dashboards to those created by, shared with, and recently used by the logged-in user
Further releases throughout July and August will add user-specific default dashboards and the 'Collections' known from reports and diagrams to categorize multiple dashboards in meaningful groups.

Auto-discover your SAP cloud applications
By the end of this week, you can get instant visibility into your SAP cloud system's as-is state with an automated discovery service that populates workspaces with data from SAP systems through SAP Cloud ALM. Workspace admins can set it up by adding the 'SAP Landscape Discovery' in the admin area's 'Integrations' section.
This discovery capability will help reduce manual work, eliminate blind spots, and improve data quality about your SAP cloud systems in use today. It also accelerates the discovery and exploration phases for transformations (e.g., to SAP S4/HANA) and enables a smoother update of the LeanIX inventory as the architecture changes. SAP Cloud ALM doesn't have to be actively used for the discovery to be operational; it acts as an access point to the SAP support backend.
A follow-up release in the next couple of weeks will add the ability to simultaneously link multiple discovered items from the inbox. Later this year, we'll discover on-premise systems to effortlessly complete your automated SAP landscape overview.

Configurable shape libraries for diagrams
Diagrams are essential for managing and communicating your organization's architecture's as-is state and transformation progress. Although SAP LeanIX supports many shape libraries, our default shape style with fact sheet colors is used when adding shapes from the inventory to the canvas.
We've started working on streamlining your visual modeling by letting you define templates for mapping fact sheet types to your preferred choice of shapes, colors, etc. The goal was to offer this functionality by Q2 2024.
The release has been delayed until mid-Q3 due to some unanticipated technical dependencies we must address in this process. Please bear with us, as we will make this new feature available soon.

Sync initiatives with SAP Cloud ALM projects
SAP Cloud ALM is a tool for implementing and operating cloud and hybrid business solutions. Its capabilities assist in planning and executing cloud ERP transformation projects.
In July, we'll release a new integration that creates a revealing link between the transformation's architecture planning in SAP LeanIX and project execution tracking in SAP Cloud ALM. This connection helps to maintain a consistent overview throughout the transformation stages.
With the integration, you can:
Create and link a new initiative fact sheet (or project with meta model v3) from an existing project in SAP Cloud ALM and vice versa.
Link existing initiative fact sheets and projects in SAP Cloud ALM to each other
See up-to-date project status information from the linked SAP Cloud ALM project on the new 'Agile Tracking' tab on the fact sheet (e.g., status and milestones)
Get the lifecycle states (active and end of life), milestone dates, and initiative status (including progress) updated to the linked fact sheet automatically
Directly access the linked SAP Cloud ALM project from the fact sheet