SAP LeanIX Product Team
Notifications for to-dos
Application Portfolio Management

Introducing new to-dos including notifications

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team
RELATED ROADMAP ITEMS: Notifications for to-dos

The new to-dos, with their new to-do types and revised dashboard panel providing an inbox, are now available on all EAM workspaces. A dedicated survey panel, "My surveys," is also available for dashboards.

  • While users can still work on open comments and reminders, they will be deprecated by the end of June 2022.

  • The endpoint (services/todo/v1/users) will be deprecated soon as it is not needed for to-dos anymore. Alternatively, the MTM endpoints (GET /services/mtm/v1/users and GET /services/mtm/v1/users/{id}) is recommended to be used from now onwards to resolve users.

  • The provisioning endpoint for to-dos will be deprecated (/services/todo/v1/configuration/activate) next week as to-dos become available for all workspaces and the endpoint for activation is no longer relevant.

In addition to the launch of the new Notifications Center, there will be two new types of notifications for to-dos available.

  • Users will get notified as soon as a new to-do is created or a to-do is assigned to them.

  • A reminder notification is sent out when a due date is reached and the to-do has not been closed yet.

Further, the notifications are also available in Microsoft Teams channels.


For more information, please look into the "To-dos" section in the LeanIX user documentation.

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