SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management Technology Risk and Compliance Architecture and Road Map Planning

Feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented and bugs fixed during the last two weeks:

  • Diagrams:

    • Users can specify the label types displaying Fact Sheet names in diagrams per Fact Sheet type.

  • Reports:

    • When users disable "Hide empty clusters", they are now able to see empty clusters while clustered by fields and tags in the Landscape Report.

    • When a Roadmap Report is exported in PDF format, it now includes the legend for the visualization of the report.

    • Users can see the whole name of an application in the Interface Circle Map, even if it is a long application name.

    • A bug has been fixed that did not allow all tags to be available in the reports in workspaces that had more than 1000 tags.

  • Inventory: A bug has been fixed that allowed users to add more Fact Sheet relations than the relation's multiplicity limit.

  • Lifecycle Catalog: Changes to the translations and view model are now reflected immediately on the Batch Linking page for Lifecycle Catalog & SaaS Catalog.

  • BTM Reports: Roadmap reports have a new setting to display dependencies based on 'Requires' / 'Required by' relations on Transformation Item Fact Sheets (often called Projects again, as a first step towards the revised BTM concept). The dependencies visualize that a project requires another project to be finished before it finishes itself. In case of a timing conflict, the color of the dependencies turns red.


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