SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

EAM weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs fixed in the past week:


  • When Fact Sheets in the inventory lack data, they are automatically excluded from a report based on this data. A notification on top of the report informs about these excluded Fact Sheets. Now, the entire list of excluded Fact Sheets is shown on the report's side panel when clicking on 'Show list'. With a click on 'Show in Inventory', you can open a new inventory tab with the respective Fact Sheets.


  • We've started an initiative that will span over several weeks to increase the accessibility of our user interface to support screen readers and keyboard-based navigation better. The first realized steps include:

    • Colors for individual elements have a higher contrast (at least 4.5 contrast ratio as defined by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the W3C) as long as they are not influenced by custom colors defined in the workspace settings.

    • Added missing alt attributes to decorative images on reports and dashboard panels displaying an empty state (e.g., no To-Dos assigned or no subscribed Fact Sheets).

    • More interface elements in the inventory, reports, diagrams, and collaboration tabs are reachable and executable without a mouse or accessible with fewer steps (e.g., several filter elements and the arrow to navigate back to the overview of reports and diagrams).


  • When adding relations to Fact Sheets and choosing 'Save and New' or 'Save and Next' to add more relations, the edit form is no longer closed immediately.

  • The 'More' button in the left-side filter pane is still shown when only one value to filter by is left.

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