SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

EAM weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs fixed this week:


  • The list of mandatory fields in the Inventory's right-side panel now shows all the mandatory fields users can access. Mandatory fields users don't have access to read are no longer listed.

  • Columns in the Inventory's table view can be reordered as expected, regardless if their label (display name) is unique or not.

  • A bug that prevented the proper display of subscription roles when including colons (':') was fixed.


  • The drop-down menu to add Fact Sheet elements to a Survey shows the familiar order of single-select fields of our pre-defined Meta Model, instead of the previous alphabetical order.


  • Landscape reports clustered by 'Other tags' show the existing data and don't lead to an empty report and a 'No Data' message anymore.

Business Transformation Management (BTM):

  • The transformation templates now respect conditional fields and relations. For example, this allows modeling the rollout of applications only to the lowest hierarchy level of Business Capabilities.

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