SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

EAM weekly feature improvement & bugfix summary

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The following feature improvements have been implemented, and bugs fixed in the last week:


  • The Next-Generation Diagram Editor now includes a sidebar showing Fact Sheet details directly on the diagram. Similar to reports, the sidebar appears when clicking a Fact Sheet, containing the Fact Sheet's name, type, tags, and lifecycle. Clicking on the Fact Sheet name opens the entire Fact Sheet details page in a new tab.


  • A bug on reports has been fixed that caused the loading icon at the 'Level' chooser to keep spinning when reports contained no data. The UI element is now disabled for reports without any data.

Integration API:

  • The Integration API's processor configuration now allows restricting executions to specific users by adding an executionRestrictions object next to the processors of the configuration. The API Reference contains a code example.

Business Transformation Module:

  • Defining custom impacts on Transformations for fields or relations now considers the Fact Sheet's settings in the Meta Model Configuration (e.g., no impacts on fields or relations that are read-only or in a hidden Fact Sheet section)

  • Creating custom impacts on fields or relations takes user permissions into account and only allows the creation of impacts for fields or relations users are allowed to change.

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