- SAP LeanIX Product Team
December & January outlook into features in progress
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Here's the outlook for December 2024 and January 2025:
Track and manage diagram versions with ease
The feature on our roadmap that received the most votes is almost here: the diagram version history will be available in your workspaces before the end of December.
You’ll be able to save new diagram versions with optional descriptions for better collaboration.
A new side pane in view mode will show the version history and allow authorized users to quickly restore previous versions, saving time and avoiding the need for manual fixes to undo accidental changes.

Directly access detailed survey insights
We're introducing a new interface to help survey admins view and analyze survey results without downloading them to a spreadsheet. On the 'Insights' step of the survey editor, a new left navigation pane will allow admins to switch between general survey insights (such as scope, filters, and participants) and the latest responses for each fact sheet. Actions like sending reminders and downloading results will also be more accessible.
This update is part of our ongoing efforts to improve survey management and prepare for the voting functionality in surveys for multiple recipients, which is planned for 2025.

Find and structure saved content more efficiently
At the beginning of January, we'll make it easier for your stakeholders to find reports, diagrams, and dashboards by adding views and filter options to navigation pages. In the first quarter of 2025, the collections will be organized in folder-like subcollections to provide a familiar experience.
New list and grid views will improve visualization, streamline discoverability, and speed up interactions by allowing users with respective permissions to move, share, or delete multiple items simultaneously. The '+ New Diagram' button will move from the top left to right to accommodate the new interface elements for filters and views.
At the same time, we’ll give admins the ability to view all saved reports, diagrams, and dashboards, regardless of the creator and permissions, and transfer ownership of these items to other users. This will ensure you don’t lose access to important items when users leave your organization.

Ensure accountability right from the fact sheet creation
At the start of January, we’re going to enhance the quality of data collected in fact sheets at their creation. When a user manually creates a fact sheet using the form, there will be added support to ensure basic information is included.
When a fact sheet creation form is opened in your workspace, there will be:
more guidance with reference catalog content for applications and IT components
mandatory subscriptions to establish accountability from the start
The new full-screen form will support the creation of fact sheets step-by-step and start with just the name of the future fact sheet, so even those not familiar with the meta model will be able to create them. You can even share the new forms directly with users with a dedicated URL.
In all workspaces, even without SAP LeanIX Technology Risk and Compliance, the first creation step will show recommendations for IT components from the reference catalog in a side pane with more space than before. In the second step, after choosing a recommended reference item, a preview of the suggested fact sheet data helps to confirm the choice.
This step will also require creators to fill in the fact sheet subscribers to identify the stakeholders in your organization who can provide the baseline information on the new fact sheet later. Having the subscribers defined right from the beginning will benefit multiple capabilities and use cases of SAP LeanIX, like leveraging surveys.
If you require time to adapt to the new fact sheet creation form, admins can now opt out of the 'Enhanced Fact Sheet Creation Form' per workspace in the admin area's 'Optional Features & Early Access' section. We plan for the opt-out to be available until February 2025 before it gets a default for all workspaces.
For the future, we are considering adding the ability to configure the form, as many of you have requested, and eventually create a guided application request workflow for IT demand management.
Make self-built software part of your inventory
From December, two new capabilities in SAP LeanIX will give you visibility into your organization's self-built technology footprint, setting you up for more comprehensive technology standards management. By automatically discovering microservices' usage and their link to the business, we will deepen your risk assessment capabilities and enable better adoption of technology standards.
Data in Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) files from your Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline and the integration with your GitHub Enterprise Server repository will extend your inventory to surface open-source component usage across applications and teams to identify areas impacted by vulnerabilities instantly and gauge the comprehensive business impact to then engage with relevant teams to co-ordinate and mitigate technology risk more efficiently.
Once you've uploaded the SBOM file, you'll also benefit from intelligent tech stack discovery for frameworks and databases, automatically created as IT component fact sheets linked to the microservice. This will reduce the time to uncover all used technologies and put you in a prime position to start standardizing your technology landscape using the tech radar.