SAP LeanIX Product Team
Application Portfolio Management

All errors reported at once in Excel import

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

There are various ways to get data into LeanIX EAM - the Excel import is a central one. For this purpose, importing data from Excel files will be made much easier with the new drag-and-drop option. To simplify it further and provide better guidance, the import process will now be divided into several steps.

Eventually, the need to do a test run before the import will also be removed by only importing data from successfully tested spreadsheet rows at the first import run. Also, the import will continue at errors as long as the file can be parsed correctly (e.g., the ID column is not missing, only one Fact Sheet type is included).

Both these functionalities were released this week but have been rolled back due to a bug that caused some imports to stop with an error. After the bug has been fixed, the functionalities will be generally available by the second week of October 2023.

Another improvement to the Excel import, following afterward, will allow updating fields on relations through a spreadsheet upload. For example, the 'Usage Type' field on the relation between Applications and User Groups.

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