SAP LeanIX Product Team
SaaS Management Platform: SMP

Actionable filter for user account activity

AUTHOR: SAP LeanIX Product Team

The User Accounts page got interactive. Clicking on the bars of any chart leads to the list view with the user accounts represented in the chart.

Two info cards provide a dedicated focus on active and inactive user accounts detected by Manage integration:

  • The 'Monthly active user accounts' section features dedicated info cards for active and inactive user accounts, where a period of interest can be picked.

  • The 'Activity' chart was also updated, with both parts of the activity bars being clickable to pick active or inactive user accounts.

The info cards of all sections on the Overview page are also clickable and apply the respective filters on the presented list view.

The user documentation's 'List views for Active & Inactive User Accounts' section provides further details.

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